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A fund has been established in partnership with the AFT Disaster Relief Fund to assist AFTNJ members and retirees suffering losses from the storm and its aftermath. The fund is part of the union’s tradition of solidarity with members overtaken by natural or man-made catastrophes.

The fund will provide some relief— $250 per member household—to help members meet their immediate essential needs for this disaster. While we know it will not help members pay the lion share of the bills incurred by the catastrophic loss, it serves as a token to show that our union stands together.

Procedures for


August 29, 2012

Dear AFT Member:

Subject: Proposed Changes to the RVCC Support Staff Federation Constitution/September AFT Meetings

As the Fall 2012 semester at Raritan Valley Community College begins, the AFT Support Staff Federation executive team would like to thank you for all that you do, especially at this busy time of the school year, to keep RVCC running smoothly and help students successfully adapt to college life and activities. You are the glue that holds RVCC together, often behind the scenes, and we want you to know how much we appreciate each of you and value your contribution to the RVCC community.

There have been many changes at the college over the past few months; partly in response to these we have closely examined the Classified Staff Constitution and proposed a number of changes to update it.

On Wednesday, September 5, from 12:30 to 1 pm and 1 to 1:30 pm in the Atrium there will be a Classified Support Staff membership meeting to discuss the changes to the constitution. Then on Tuesday, September 11, again from 12:30 to 1 pm and 1 to 1:30 pm in Conference Center Room 101 there will be a second membership meeting when we will vote on the constitution, introduce the Chair of the Elections Committee, and open the floor to nominations for officers. On a date TBA (probably the following week) results of the constitution vote will be announced and a secret election of officers will be held in accordance with the RVCC AFT Classified Support Staff constitutional guidelines.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Donna Gero or Allison Gill. Once again, thank you for your hard work on the behalf of the RVCC community, and we wish you a very happy Labor Day!


Donna Gero, Acting President, and Allison Gill, Secretary – AFT Classified Support Staff Union


Please click on the Title above to download the Proposed Changes to The Constitution. MORE

Please click on the Title above to download the Health & Safety Information.

Save the dates April 20-21 for the AFTNJ Convention at the Seaview in Galloway Township.
See (--Copy & Paste into browser) for more Union and Education events.

Other Dates:

June 5th - NJ Primary Election (includes Presidential & US Senate)
July 27-30 - AFT Convention, Detroit, MI
November 6th - General Election Day


AFT President Randi Weingarten took some time on January 27th to talk with members of AFT New Jersey and the Health Professionals and Allied Employees about the importance of getting actively involved in political education and advocacy.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is pushing an agenda filled with attacks on K-12 education through undermining tenure and promoting vouchers, as well as a hastily conceived plan to merge higher education institutions.

The economy has created an opportunity for the “scapegoaters and the demonizers,” said Weingarten. “Instead of taking the responsibility of governing in tough times seriously, they are pointing fingers” and attempting “to turn the very people who are trying to make a difference in the lives of others into villains.” It’s unfair, and our members see it, said Weingarten. “They want to know what we are going to do about this. How are we going to make it better?”

AFT affiliates in New Jersey are working on legislation to protect members. “We have to work together, not just with one another, but with state lawmakers to get the best possible legislation,” Weingarten urged. “We have to come together with a quality agenda to engage members.